Facade Pattern C#

This is a structural design pattern that only exposes a simplified interface to the outside world while hiding the complex subsystems. The facade keeps the unwanted dependencies to one place. Its own behaviour takes care of the internal complexities of the subsystems.

A car acts like a facade to the outside world which exposes it’s own behaviour like on, accelerate, brake, off etc. But you are not aware of how it all works internally.

Let’s take a small example of an online Shopping cart where you add an item to a cart which is the only behaviour exposed for the Client. Once you add the item to the cart, a few things happen internally which are not directly controlled by the user action like checking availability of item, calculation of tax, locking the item for availability and calculating the cost etc.

Create a Console Application which is the Client in this example that will only add the Item to cart. Also, add a class library Shopping that will do all of the above described operations but only expose the Cart to the Client.

public interface IShoppingCart
        bool addItemToCart(int itemid, int qty);

internal interface IStock
        bool checkStockItemsByID(int itemID);
        bool lockItemsTemp(int itemID, int qty);

internal interface IItemCost
        string getItemCostByID(int itemid);

internal interface ITaxes
        string getStateTax(string statecode);

Now, implement the above behaviours while keeping only the ShoppingCart class public:

internal class Stock : IStock
        public bool checkStockItemsByID(int itemID)
            Console.WriteLine($"Item Id: {itemID} is available");
            return true;

        public bool lockItemsTemp(int itemID, int qty)
            Console.WriteLine($"Item Id: {itemID}, quantity: {qty} is locked");
            return true;

internal class ItemCost : IItemCost
        public string getItemCostByID(int itemid)
            Console.WriteLine($"Item Id: {itemid} cost is $25");
            return "25";

internal class Taxes : ITaxes
        public string getStateTax(string statecode)
            Console.WriteLine($"{statecode} state tax is 3.5%");
            return string.Empty;

//Exposed class
public class ShoppingCart : IShoppingCart
        public bool addItemToCart(int itemid, int qty)
            IStock stock = new Stock();
            stock.lockItemsTemp(itemid, qty);

            IItemCost itemCost = new ItemCost();

            ITaxes taxes = new Taxes();

            return true;

The console Application only performs the action to add the Item to the cart:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IShoppingCart item = new ShoppingCart();
            item.addItemToCart(123, 2);

Item Id: 123 is available
Item Id: 123, quantity: 2 is locked
Item Id: 123 cost is $25
NY state tax is 3.5%